Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Best Boston Strippers ! Whats new for 2016.

Its new year and i thought I'd update the list of dancers available. Remember Best Boston Strippers is the only upscale local company . A recent google search uncovered the National company is back and scamming everyone who calls. they change the website often but it normaly has A 800 number and they demand at least half up front front on a credit card . Then they call low cost hookers that show up and take the other half of the money. That's a far cry from getting Vegas show girls. Again we're from Medford MA we take cash on arrival . The Girls /Strippers that show up are the ones on the site. It pains me when my phone rings at 9pm and its a local group of guys from lets say Andover ma. they left a $400 dollar deposit on a bachelor party for two girls. The out of state company they called was supposed to be there at 8pm now there not answering the phone. They beg me for girls. Its 50/50 on whether I can get girls to him or not . We typically book ahead of time so everything is planned out . Great party's' lead to Happy Marriages. enough ranting from me . I know you just want to see to winter line up here they are
Sincerely Jeremy  617-8006444 for more photos